Tag Archives: diet

Take the opportunity today to thank everybody from your past because of where you are today and where you will be tomorrow.

Photo of blossom on a tree

Every season has it’s time


You do realise that everything that has ever happened to you, good or bad, has brought you to where you are today.

You may be in a great place right now, so think if any tiny little thing in your past were different it would have changed your trajectory and you may well be in a very different place right now rather than where you are.

All those not so good places were necessary in order for you to be here.

If you’re not in such a great place just realise that you are in one of those not so good places that will lead you to the great place later. So appreciate it for what it is.

Why only appreciate it later? Thank everything and everybody from your past for helping to get you here. Thank ‘here’ for being part of the journey that’s going to get you ‘there’ in the future.

And always remember… in the depths of winter the blossom is waiting to bloom.

Who will you thank, and for what?




PS: This is p.358 of my book ‘How To Change Your Life One Day At A Time‘.


Filed under Self Improvement

Can you see things for what they really are?


You know what I mean right? Sure you do. I could sit here and write a page of words that show you what they might be but I’d only be scratching the surface wouldn’t I?

We’ve all got stuff going on that we say is this or that. But we know it’s not. I mean it could look that way to the untrained eye, to the casual observer, but we know it’s just a façade for what’s really going on.

Take a good look at it today, be as honest with yourself as you can. Allow the discomfort or maybe even pain of looking at it to come through. Welcome it. Once we open the cupboard door and shine a light in there we can see there was nothing to be afraid of.

I know this’ll be hard for a lot of people – me included, so lets all dig deep and give it a try.

What will you take a look at today?

Enjoy (if you can)




Filed under Self help

How To Measure Your Health

Man leaping with joy

Are you as healthy as you could be?


There are many ways to measure your overall health and wellbeing but it’s not so easy to find definitive descriptions of what that means.

For instance the top 5  body health indicators seem to include:

  1. Your BMI score, a poor score could make you susceptible to type 2 diabetes
  2. Your biological age, an unhealthy lifestyle can leave your body thinking it’s a lot older than you actually are.
  3. Waist measurement, a waist measurement of less then 94 centimeters for men and 80 centimeters for women is regarded as healthy as our vital organs are housed in our waist area.
  4. Blood pressure, the Heart Foundation considers a normal blood pressure to be less than 120/80mmHg. More or less than this can leave you open to heart disease and strokes.
  5. Heart rate, 60-100 beats per minute is normal for the average person’s resting heart rate. Higher than that could mean your heart is working too hard which could lead to heart conditions or stroke.

To read the full article —> Click Here

Full explanation of BMI HERE

Obviously, a good, balanced diet and regular exercise are important to keep our bodies fit and healthy.

But over and above your body health is your mental health. How relaxed you feel on a  day to day basis, how you deal with adverse circumstances, how you think of others as well as yourself can all lead to positive or negative mental states.

At the end of the day we all want to live longer, but usually only if we can remain healthy, active and reasonably stress free at the same time. If we are parents, we also want to set a great example to our kids so that they grow up to live healthy, happy lives too.

It won’t be long before I hit 50 so this is at the top of mind for me. I don’t feel at my peak level of health and fitness at the moment, I’m pretty good but not tip top – so I’m on a mission to change that. If I want to feel fitter and stronger even when I’m 60 or even 70 then I better start NOW.

How about You? Are you as fit and healthy as you should/could be?




PS: Your job may be a cause of stress on a daily basis. If you still want to get a copy of “Do You Hate Your Job?” you can get it on Kindle for less than £2 or a pdf copy at no cost right here: FREE Copy

Change Your Mindset,


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Filed under Change Job, Life changing, Self help, Self Improvement

Do You Know The 4 Most Important Questions To Changing?

Photo of stepping stones across a river

Crossing the River


A while back when I was getting ready to launch my book ‘How To Change Your Life One Day At A Time‘ I decided to create a street video to help promote it.

I had only one question that I wanted to ask of many complete strangers: WHAT ONE THING YOU WOULD LIKE TO CHANGE ABOUT YOURSELF?

I wanted to document how different people would answer the same question, based on their own lives and circumstances. What I found was in many, many cases their answer led me to ask another question, then another, then a final question. (A process I now call ‘Crossing The River‘).

It was in these instances that those asked gave the most considered responses, delving deeper and deeper into the issue. In many cases they actually answered the most penetrating question they had probably been asked in years, if not decades.

They were as surprised by their answers as I was.

Remarkable considering that not one interview took more than two minutes to complete, AND they were complete strangers to me!

Many wanted to change things about their appearance, some about bad habits they had and some about the way they thought about themselves or others. I was moved and surprised at just how candid these people were, how open. I sincerely hope that some of them went home that day and actually made the change they said they wanted.

So what are the four questions you MUST ask yourself if you want to make any change in your life, whether it’s to do with your relationships, your achievements, your lifestyle, your health, wealth and happiness or your career?

Bare in mind the change MUST be about YOU – not your boss, or your neighbour, or the economy or anything else that you cannot influence.

Get Help

Let me suggest that you get someone else to ask you these questions – a close friend or family member or even a colleague. Answer the first one before getting them to ask the second. Then answer that before they ask you the third, and so on.

Answer as quickly as possible too as this is where the revelation is, when your mind doesn’t have time to dwell on and possibly filter the answer. It doesn’t take long – as I said, of the 30 or so interviews I did on that cold day in February, not one took longer than two minutes!

Crossing The River

Here are the 4 questions:

1. What is the ONE thing you’d like to change about YOURSELF today? (This is not about your circumstances, this is about YOU.)

2. Why do you want to make that change?

3. How will you make that change?

4. What’s stopping you?

Make a note of them, then forget about them until you have chosen someone to help you with this insightful exercise. If you decide you want to do them on your own then answer the first question NOW. Quick – answer!

To see the video CLICK HERE – it’s 9 min 41 long, I hope you enjoy.

Take care


Change Your Mindset,                        CLICK HERE

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Filed under Goals, Life changing, Self help, Self Improvement

Overcoming Life’s Battles

James Arthur Ray blog discussion

My comment, his reply

Stuart Young, London, UK


I was chatting with James Arthur Ray, of hit movie ‘The Secret‘ fame the other day. When I say chatting – I mean I commented on his blog post and he replied. 🙂

I’ve been reading his latest ‘Do You Love Life or Fantasy‘ series and I recommend you take a look CLICK HERE

If you’re not familiar with James then Google him, but believe me when I say he’s been through the biggest battle of his life recently.

How we ‘think‘ at difficult times is THE KEY to moving through the experience, and coming out the other side more swiftly and with hope for a brighter future.

His posts led me to formulate a process called The 3 ‘A’s:-

  1. Accept – What is, not more or less, just What IS. How we’re feeling is valid. Accept that.
  2. Acknowledge – How it got that way – honestly. IE: Take responsibility for whatever part you may have played, and you almost invariably have.
  3. Ask – Question what all of that means, and ask how you move forwards.

James has his own variation where he adds another two ‘A’s – Act and Adjust.

If you’ve been through a battle recently, or are in the midst of one now – consider these today. And please take a look at James’ blog posts, they’re insightful.




Change Your Mindset,                        CLICK HERE

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Filed under Change Job, Goals, Life changing, Self help, Self Improvement

What If You Could?

Man leaping with joy

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Stuart Young, London, UK


What if you could … what?

What if you could meet the partner of your dreams? What if you could be as fit as a top athlete? What if you could achieve all of your goals systematically. What if you could have the job you love doing?

We spend so much of our time thinking that we can’t, we forget to consider if we could.

What’s the point you might be asking.

Apart from the fact that thinking about achieving something that would make us feel great actually starts to make us feel great – the very act of thinking in that way actually makes us consider opportunities and options that we are blind to when we’re busy thinking we can’t.

Think about it – if I ask you to think of three reasons why you’ll never win the lottery, it’s impossible for you to come up with ways that you could win.

If I said look around where you are right now and find ALL the red things, you wouldn’t notice all the blue things because that’s not where you are putting your focus. You’d miss all the blue things.

Likewise with continually thinking you can’t – you miss those opportunities in front of you that may just prove that you can.

Try that today – just allow yourself to daydream about all the things you’d like in your life and, just for the purposes of dreaming, imagine that you can have those things. Ask yourself: What if I could…?

See what happens.





Filed under Change Job, Goals, Life changing, Self help, Self Improvement, Success

How To Ignore Negative Comments (Pt.2)

Stuart Young, London, UK


The other day I posted on How To Ignore Negative Comments and I think it deserves further discussion.

Firstly, I think it would be a good idea to start with the premise that the negative comments are ungrounded, ie: not deserved.

(Of course if you being a total idiot about something expect some negative comments, listen to them, and stop being an idiot.)  🙂

So, what if they are ungrounded?

These can come from all quarters; what I refer to as the 3 Fs of Influence – Friend, Foe and Family. Some are well meaning, whereas some are just being mean.

Here are 5 questions to consider that can put you in the right Mindset to tackle them head on:

  1. Are they true and does that even matter?
  2. Do they reflect who you are?
  3. Do they spur you on or deflate you?
  4. How much do you value the opinion of the commenter?
  5. How determined to continue are you?

Let’s take a look at them one at a time…

1. Are they true and does that even matter? – If someone tells you that you’re not a very good writer should that stop you from writing? Of course not. You can either ignore it and remind yourself that there have been many successful writers that weren’t actually very good technically. Or, you can use the comment to motivate yourself to learn more about writing so that you can improve. Either way – continue writing.

2. Do they reflect who you are? –  Taking the first example above, does the fact that you might not be a very competent writer detract from you being a writer? Of course not, no more than being an objectively poor painter does not mean you are not a painter. You are whatever you desire to be and no opinion from anyone else alters that.

3. Do they spur you on or deflate you? – This is nearing the crux of the issue, if the negative comment spurs you on – motivates you, then don’t ignore it. In fact, welcome comments of this nature. If on the other hand the comments deflate you, demotivate you, then applying a process like this one to determine what validity they have, this will help you see that other’s opinions have no baring on your ambitions and dreams. Many people told Edison to quit searching for a commercially viable lightbulb – but he didn’t quit, thankfully.

4. How much do you value the opinion of the commenter? – A good teacher will encourage you down your own chosen path. They might offer advice on potential course corrections along the way – in order to be helpful. A bad teacher will encourage you to pursue something based on their beliefs about what you should do. Decide how much value you put on the commenter’s comments and why. Are they trying to help you or steer you to a destination of their choice. As with good parenting, the role of a parent is to give their children the best environment they possibly can in which to make their own choices. Then let them.

5. How determined to continue are you? – This is the deciding factor on whether you continue with an endeavour or not. If you are easily swayed away from an activity ask yourself if it’s really what you wanted. If it wasn’t, then maybe the negative comment was actually useful advice. If not, if you feel an urge to continue, then do just that.

The problem isn’t the problem. The problem is the way you are thinking about the problem.” ~ Dan Sullivan

The way we think determines every outcome in our life. If you want to master your own Mindset – learn how here: CLICK HERE




 PS: Don’t look back this time next year and find yourself exactly where you are now. Start thinking differently to create different results in your life – TODAY!
Change Your Mindset,                        CLICK HERE


Filed under Change Job, Choice, Confidence, Goals, Life changing, Self help, Self Improvement, Success

What do you like about your job?

Stuart Young, London, UK


Take the opportunity today to consider your job and find three things you’re happy with.

1. I’m quitting soon, or  2. the toilets are clean, etc. – do NOT count! 🙂

I understand this might be difficult for some. Try it though and see if you can ‘honestly’ find three things that you are happy with about your job.

This could be the start of you appreciating it for what it is. We’ve all heard the grass is greener right? Maybe if you stopped looking at what is ‘wrong’ with your job – just for today, you might find there’s a lot you actually like.

It must start with you, all of your happiness, contentedness, peacefulness etc. comes from the way you think about your circumstances.

If you get to the end of today and you really have struggled to find 3 things you like – you need to read my new eBook: “Do You Hate Your Job?“. It’s not very long, but it is laser focussed on helping you understand what you must do next.


Grab a copy now at NO COST, if not for you then for someone you know that’s struggling to get out of bed every work day.

Click here to get your copy.




Related posts: Monday ‘Back to Work’ Blues.

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Filed under Change Job, Choice, Goals, Life changing, Self help, Self Improvement, Success

Are you capable of courage?

Stuart Young, London, UK


This is p.48 of my book: ‘How To Change Your Life One Day At A Time

Take the opportunity today to be courageous!

This might be in the face of adversity, it might be just being brave about something or it might be something really important like making a difficult decision.

Whether you’re nervous about that speaking engagement coming up or whether you need to muster the nerve to ask someone on a date – dig deep and do it. This one courageous moment could change your life. Forever!

I know this is one of those difficult challenges I spoke about at the beginning of this book but hopefully you have tried enough of the other challenges to give you some habitual momentum today.


Maybe one of the courageous things you need to do is take a good look at your job and decide whether it makes you happy.

If it doesn’t do you know your next step?

If not, get a complimentary copy of my new eBook ‘Do You Hate Your Job?‘ which will reveal all the steps you need to take to go from tired and miserable to invigorated and excited at work.


Grab a copy now, if not for you then for someone you know

that’s struggling to get out of bed every work day.

   Get it right here.




Related posts: Getting to grips with fear and confusion.


Filed under Change Job, Goals, Life changing, Self help, Self Improvement, Success

Monday Back to Work Blues?

Want to change that?

Want to change that?

Stuart Young, London, UK


If you suffer from Monday back to work blues from time to time – or even ALL the time, read on…

I used to suffer from them too. And even if you don’t, even if you really like your job, you probably know someone that doesn’t, right?

Below is a contents list of what my new eBook “Do You Hate Your Job?” covers and it’s absolutely f.ree. I want to help as many people as I can escape the misery of working in a job they hate or get no satisfaction from – what a waste.

So here’s what you’ll discover in the book:

  • How I Identified I Was In The Wrong JOB!
  • If You Really Hate Your Job
  • The Importance of Taking Time Away
  • The Comfort & Riches Parable
  • If Can You Fall In Love With Your Job
  • How To Change Jobs (Steps 1, 2 and 3)
  • The Real Cost Of Doing Nothing
  • How to Make Big Decisions (Parts 1 and 2)
  • Understanding Why Change Can Be Painful
  • Mindset = Success
  • Getting To Grips With Fear And Confusion

Within these chapters I deal with subjects like:

  • What’s going on that bothers you?
  • How you can change it
  • What Are Your Options
  • Finding Your #1 Opportunity
  • My 5 Step Decision Making Process
  • Understanding Required Resources
  • The Power of Anchoring
  • What to Do Next

…and much more.

DYHYJ IconGrab a copy now, if not for you then for someone you know that’s struggling to get out of bed every Monday morning. Get it right here.




Related posts:

The 3 Questions People That Hate Their Job Ask

Getting to Grips With fear and Confusion

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Filed under Change Job, Goals, Life changing, Self help, Self Improvement, Success