What might your anger really mean?

This is November 5th of my book:  ‘How To Change Your Life One Day At ATime‘.

Take the opportunity today to let go of any anger you feel.

If when you tried the Sedona Method the first time you chose something other than anger – try it with anger now.

Anger is one of the most destructive emotions when it’s negative. Apply it to the negative state of anger. Remember that sometimes anger can be a positive force – when you or a loved one is being attacked for instance, anger can give you the strength you may need to escape danger. This is very rare so be brutally honest about any anger you may feel.

Anger has usually got some kind of fear at its base, so have a think about what you may be afraid of. If you get angry when someone insults you for instance, you may be afraid that others see you in the same way. Even if you think this is hogwash, give it a try, what can it hurt?



Related post: Want to know how to get rid of negative emotions?


PS: BUY yourself the BOOK, OR someone else, right here on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1ahfW7R (you’ll see my listing right at the top – it’s the cheapest place to get copies at the moment and YES they’re brand new AND signed).

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PPS: Get my F.REE daily thought provoking  ’Ponders, Quotes and Questions‘ emails by visiting my NEW blog and putting your email in the box you’ll see there (new season starting Nov 1st), click here: http://howtochangeyourlifeblog.com


Filed under Life changing, Relationships, Self help, Self Improvement

7 responses to “What might your anger really mean?

  1. IT MIGHT MEAN …..
    that You need to spill some tears ? xxx
    cat sis xxx

  2. I believe my anger would mean that I need to be true to myself…and not always hold back what hurts me…Sometimes you need to vent whether others like it or not…This in turn could be percieved as “anger”…when really it’s not!

    • Stuart Young

      I agree Marilyn. As long as we’re clear we’re not angry ‘with’ those that experience us being angry. At the end of the day our anger is OURS.

  3. We can take charge of our lives by taking charge of our emotions. The feelings we have are indicators of the thoughts we habour. We can be delibrate about the way we react.
    Lovely post! 🙂

    • Stuart Young

      Thanks teecee, our emotions are certainly manifestations of our thoughts. If we have more awareness of our thoughts we can learn to control them – and then our emotions more effectively. 🙂

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